Friday, May 30, 2008

Krystyna's View on the Chinese Buns for Charity

Following Meme’s report from the first day of the charity for China’s earthquake victims I would like to add few words about the second day (Thursday). I dropped to Tomioka Kominkan in the afternoon to help little bit with packing of nikuman and mantou and later distributing them between my friends and neighbors. Mr. Malik came that time too to pick up his dinner “okazu”.Takako-san and Vivian with some Chinese friends were there just finishing baking. Well… they did really GREAT JOB! Mari-san Takako-san, thank you very much for your time and efforts to make this charity success! Without your energy and leadership it wouldn’t be possible. My thanks also goes to all who help UFRA with this project – Local Network Section staff (all of them bought buns or donated money), Tsujimura-san and all helpers in the kominan.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Steamed Buns to raise Money for the China Earthquake Victims

We were busy in Tomioka Kominkan's kitchen room--- about 30 people showed up today to help make the steamed buns! It was amazing! Thank you to the great effort of Mari Asai and Takako Ueda for leading this charity event, to all those who helped, and to all those who bought the steamed buns! UIFA's Ono-san also came to help, and all the staff members of the Local Network Section also bought the steamed buns!

Art of Ufra Mult-Cultural Art Exhibition

It't time for the Art of UFRA Multi Cultural Exhibition.  Come by to see some great work by UFRA members and their students.
WHEN:  Sat July 5  - Sun July 6
TIME: Sat 5  12:00 to 7:00
Sun 6 10:00 to 5:00
Opening Party  SAT JULY 5  at 5:00

Works by
Mimi Dhar and her art Students
Jacob Schere and his mixed media Students
Krystyna Hirayama and Mamoru Kawaguchi Calligraphy
Tatiana Kawakami Oil Painting and Quilts
dont miss it!!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Super Tanken Tai

Super Tanken Tai

Welcome New Members!

We are a non-profit organization formed to provide an opportunity for families residing in Urayasu City with similar and different backgrounds to come together and find a connection through games, sports and crafts.

Because we are a volunteer group, we will be asking for your continued help and support throughout the year. Membership is open to all UFRA members and their associates with children from 4 through 10 years old.(Kindergarten – 6th grade). Munchkin Tag-A-Longs(younger siblings) are welcome. All indoor events are scheduled where a playroom is available, with parents asked to please provide care on a rotation basis. All outdoor events also require parental supervision.

Membership is limited to 20 families. If the group no longer has an opening, you are welcome to place your name on a waiting list. You will be contacted as soon as a place becomes available.

SUPER TANKENTAI plans to meet once a month, usually on the 3rd or 4th Saturday (sometimes on Sunday) with most events scheduled for mornings. We require that one parent join their child in taking part in our monthly activities. We hope parents will derive as much as their children from our monthly gatherings.

Fees: All costs, such as crafts, parties, and room rent will be collected or made payable at least one month prior to the event or in some cases on the day of. A sign up sheet will be presented to you upon arrival. We ask that you record your attendance, as well as dues paid. We appreciate your cooperation in attending to these matters. We have made every effort to keep all activities and field trips within a reasonable budget.

We have reached the sixth year for SUPER TANKENTAI and hope that you will enjoy all events planned for the upcoming months. We are always open for your opinions, ideas, or feedback and encourage you to do so.

As leader of this group, I’d like to invite you and your children to join us in exploring new places, discovering new things and learning through adventurous outings. Pack your backpacks and get ready for an exciting year as a member of the SUPER TANKENTAI!!!!!

Barbara Egawa

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Buns for the Victims of the Chinese Earthquake

We hope to make at least 300 buns for the price of 2,000 yen per package (about
5 buns?) and donate the proceedings to the victims of the Chinese earthquake.

Dates: May 28th (Wed.) and 29th (Thurs.)
Time: 10:00am - 5:00pm
Place: Tomioka Kominkan (kitchen room) Urayasu

* please bring your apron and head-scarf

If any of your time permits, please come. Also, please spread the words
to your friends and acquaintances and take the orders.

The buns may be picked up at Tomioka Kominkan at about 4:00pm (better this way), or may be delivered (who can help with the delivery?)

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Some Thoughts on One of UFRA's new Classes

This Spring UFRA has begun to offer some new classes. A
student writes to offer her experience in one of them:
One of UFRA’s new classes this Spring is the Mixed
Media Art Class taught by Jacob Schere. I attended the
first lesson and enjoyed it very much! The semester has 12
classes and we are going to work on 6 art projects, such as
stencil art, T-shirt designing, and linoleum printing. We
started with the creation of colorful collages – and the
interesting thing was that just after one class you could
see how much hidden imagination we have! I hope we’ll
be able to show our work in UFRA’s multi-cultural
exhibition in July.
Jacob’s student, “K”

UFRA Brochure

UFRA Brochure

When you receive the materials from the April 12th
General Meeting, you will also receive a copy of the new
UFRA Brochure! The text was written and translated by
UFRA Committee members with additional assistance
from Yoon Sue Mannaga. Be sure to use the brochure to
publicize UFRA among your friends and colleagues!

contact the UFRA office for more copies.

Outdoor Family Event for June

WHAT: Family Sports Day/Picnic Style Lunch
WHEN: June 8, 2008 (Sun.)
TIME: 10:00 - 15:00 (or until dark)
WHERE: Akemi SOGO Park (Parking available)
*Cancelled in case of rain

Pack a lunch and prepare for a day playing outdoor
games or sports. Bring along your favorite toys or
sporting goods as well as something to sit on - leisure
sheets or camping chairs. There will be ball games,
prize winning contests and even a pinata.
Don’t forget the sunblock!

UFRA Elects a New Board

On April 12, UFRA held its annual general
meeting and elected a new slate of
committee members who will serve in their
posts for the next two years. The new
committee members are:
Chairperson: Ms. Krystyna Hirayama

Vice-Chairpersons: Ms. Amy Matsuoka and Ms. Meme Ise

Secretary: Ms. Mimi Dhar

Treasurer: Mr. Samresh Dhar

Editor: Mr. Gerald Wright

Historian: Mr. Jacob Schere

Activity Coordinators: (Classes) Ms.
Takako Ueda; (Events) Ms Manjulika Hanari,
Ms. Barbara Egawa, Ms Yuni Cho and Ms
Vivien Zhang

Senior Advisor: Mr. Rabinder Malik

Advisors: Ms. Monika Furuhata and Ms. Monika Kamiya

Afternoon Tea

On Saturday, March 15 at Il Mare, UFRA put on an
Afternoon Tea. Advisor Krystyna Hirayama reports:
“I have to admit that Afternoon Tea is one of my
favorite UFRA events. We could get together with
old friends and new, take time to chat and exchange
opinions while sipping tea - this time a delicious chai
that (Activity Coordinator) Mimi Dhar brewed.”

Our World Today

Our World Today
On March 10 at the Bunka Kaikan, UFRA Secretary
Meme Ise presented part 1 of UFRA’s 2008 Our
World Today. Called “Oyako English,” it was a fun
and unique way for parents and children to learn
English together. Altogether 25 parent and child pairs
took part in two separate 45-minute sessions. The
theme of Oyako English was 'Let's Enjoy English,'
and the classes covered ABC's, colors, numbers, and
greetings with games, exercises, and story-telling.
Meme reports that parents and children had so much
fun that the time in each session flew by.

The second part of Our World Today consisted of
an English lecture, presented by UFRA member
Edward Venz, who talked about being “A Foreign
Father in Japan,” an interesting and relevant topic for
many of us raising a family here. With 50 seats
reserved in advance along with a few others joining in
at the last moment, the hall was full. We saw old
friends as well as several new faces in the audience,
and it appeared that several businessmen came
straight from work. They had learned about the
lecture through the local City News (English) or the
KOHO (Japanese). The get-together afterwards was
lively, and Eddie was kept busy answering questions
and talking to people.

Thank you Eddie for such an interesting talk.
Thanks, too, to the City Hall International Affairs
staff and manager Mr. Sakuma (Local Network
Section) for their support and presence on the day.