Monday, December 22, 2008

Another Glowing UFRA Xmas Party Review

I was very glad that I was able to go to the UFRA Christmas party this year. It's been a few years since I had gone so it was nice to see so many friends as well as to make new friends.

It was my first time to see the party in it's "sit-down dinner" style, as before we always had a buffet and dance party.

I rather enjoyed this style as I could have a better chance at talking with people. We also had time to go to other tables and socialize. That was so good.

The MC, Meme was excellent! She was so cute and so talented in her language ability - it really flowed smoothly. She's a natural.

The atmosphere was so relaxed with Krystyna at it's helm. The prizes were top notch as usual.

Thank you UFRA for a wonderful evening!!!

Diane Miura

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Panel on Kanji Learning

UIFA (Urayasu International Friendship Association) will present “Learning Japanese kanji – one of the ways to survive in

Place: Kokusai Center (Il Mare 2nd Fl.)
Date & Time: Jan.18th (Sun) 2pm-4pm

4 panelists will discuss how the study of kanji can be taught to non-Japanese speakers and how to master Japanese characters.

For inquiries and reservations

please call the UIFA office at

047-381-5931 from Jan. 8th.

UFRA Our World Today Series: “English Rakugo as a Tool of Peaceful Communication”

Ms. Kimie Oshima will speak on “English Rakugo as a Tool of Peaceful Communication”

Place: Kokusai Center (Il Mare 2nd. Fl.)
Date & Time: Jan 31st (Sat) 5pm-6pm, fol lowed by an informal get-together.

Kimie Oshima is a sociolinguist and an associate professor at Bunkyo Gakuin University. Since 1996 she is also a performer of English Rakugo and has performed in almost 20 different countries.

For reservations call the office from Jan. 5th
TEL:047-351-1111(extension 1466)

See you there!!!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

UFRA Christmas Party Pictures

UFRA Christmas Party Review

The UFRA Christmas party was held last Sunday and there were about 90 people gathered at the Brighton Hotel. Everyone was in festive mood.

The Hawaiian music and dancing was very entertaining and as one of the December birthday boys and girls, I was led into a Hawaiian dance. Luckily I was at the back and so was not so noticeable but everyone else danced very well.

The atmosphere was very relaxed and there was plenty of time to chat to new and old friends. Michie and I had a ball.

We were also very lucky and won two handsome prizes. One of which, a night at a hotel for two, will allow us to celebrate our many years of married life together -- a second honeymoon. Yes, I'm very glad we went to the UFRA Christmas party!

James House